Getting Started
The data cube called uCube allows custom tables to be generated by the client user via a browser application. The cube data are based on selected higher education micro data collected through the Higher Education Statistics Collection.
Important notes
- Custom tables cannot be saved in the browser application. Please save tabular results by exporting to Excel and saving as an Excel file.
- The server will cancel client browser sessions after 20 minutes if idle. Please ensure that custom tables are exported to Excel.
- The data cube does allow customised tables to be produced with cells containing very small counts. To avoid any risk of disseminating identifiable data, a disclosure control technique called input perturbation has been applied to the data, with the exception of grand totals, whereby small random adjustments are made to cell counts. These adjustments (otherwise known as noise) allow for a greater amount of detailed data to be released and, as such, do not significantly impair the utility of the tabular data for use in broad level analysis. However, the relative impact of perturbation is larger for small cell counts, which therefore should be used with caution. Where unperturbed figures are required, users should consult the Higher Education Statistics published on the department’s website.
- Non-University Higher Education Institutions (NUHEI) were formerly referred to as ‘private providers’. Lists of all institutions included in Higher Education Statistics can be found here (yearly from 2010).
Departmental banner
The banner attributes the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the Department) as the author [and copyright owner] of the material contained in the website.
Tabs, menus and links
Home tab – returns users to the home page which has the data cube.
Notes on the Data tab – notes and footnotes relevant to cube measures and dimensions.
Quick Links menu – a drop-down list that takes users to related websites. These include the Department's main website; Department of Education HEIMSHELP micro-site which provides information about the data requirements and reporting procedures for Higher Education and VET institutions; and the Higher Education Statistics Publication page (part of the Department's main website).
FAQ tab – frequently asked questions concerning the cube.
Getting Started tab – basic documentation for using the cube.
Help tab – an A to Z of topics and terms.
Disclaimer link – the Department’s disclaimer policy relevant to this website.
Accessibility link – accessibility assistance.
Legal Notices link – the Department’s copyright, privacy and other legal notices.
Contact Us link – telephone and email contact details.
Tool bar
The tool bar allows quick access to the data cube options via icon buttons. An icon description displays when the mouse cursor is positioned over an icon.
Export to Excel
Use this button to export your customised data table to Excel.
Use this button to open the help file.
Save chart image
Use this button to save a chart — note this only works when you are in the chart view.
Copy grid
Use this button to copy the data from the grid and paste it into another program,
such as Word or Excel.
Print grid
Use this button to print the customised data from the grid.
Print preview grid
Use this button to preview the customised data from the grid before printing.
Select chart type
Use this button to change the chart type — note this only works when you are in chart
Toggle chart legend
Use this button to change the position of the legend — note this only works when you
are in chart view.
Use this button to open up the properties for the chart — note this only works in
chart view.
Select colour palette
Use this button to change the colours in the chart — note this only works in chart
Show grid total
Use this button to show or hide the totals in the grid.
Pivot data
Use this button to pivot the data in the grid.
Switch to simple view
Use this button to open up a simple view, with no field boxes showing.
Data is displayed in tabular format:
There are four cubes (measures) that can be selected from the 'Selected Cube:' drop-down
- Completions
- Enrolments
- Staff
- Student Load
The selected cube shows as the measure in the Measures and Dimensions pane. Click the plus (+) symbol to expand and view a measures sub-tree in the Measures and Dimensions pane. A Measures item also defaults in the Columns pane. Click on the down arrow

next to Measures in the Columns pane to select the item member/s required. The default member is pre-selected automatically.
The members for each measure are:
- Completion count *
- Completions % Change (Prev Yr)
- Enrolment Count *
- Enrolments % Change (Prev Yr)
- Staff Count *
- FTE Staff Count
- Staff % Change (Prev Yr)
- FTE Staff % Change (Prev Yr)
Student Load
- Equivalent FT Load *
- Equivalent FT Load % Change (Prev Yr)
An asterisk (*) indicates the default member.
Underneath the 'Selected Cube:' drop-down box is the Measures and Dimensions pane
which lists the selected measure and the dimensions that can be dragged and dropped
into the Columns, Rows or Filters panes. A maximum of five dimensions are allowed
on an axis. Dimensions include Gender, State – Institution, Year etc.
Columns, rows and filters panes
Dragging and dropping
When you drag and drop a dimension you must correctly locate the mouse pointer in the rows, columns or filters pane for the action to be successful. A green tick

indicates the drag is located correctly, whereas a red cross in a red circle

indicates the drag as yet is not located correctly. As previously mentioned, a maximum of five dimensions are allowed on an axis. If you attempt to drag and drop a sixth dimension it won’t allow the drop although a green tick may be indicated.
Tutorial – generating a custom table
Suppose we wish to create a table of course completions for all students enrolled in courses for initial registration as nurses in New South Wales, at the University of Sydney, who study internally and attend university full-time for the default year (note the default year is the most recent year for which data is available).
Step 1 – select the Completions cube
This automatically generates a table Completion Count by Citizenship Category for the latest year of data as the Citizenship Category dimension is the default row dimension.
Step 2 – remove default row dimension
As the default row dimension Citizenship Category is not required, it is removed by dragging and dropping the dimension from the Rows pane to the Measures and Dimensions pane
This will result in no tabular data and the table heading will change to No Data Available.
Step 3 – select row dimension of interest
Select the State – Institution dimension from the Measures and Dimensions pane and drag it into the Rows pane.
This results in a new table heading of Completion Count by State – Institution.
Note that each State/Territory has a + symbol next to it which indicates the sub-tree can be expanded. Similarly, a – symbol indicates a sub-tree can be collapsed.
Step 4 – filter the State – Institution row dimension
Click on the down arrow

next to the State – Institution dimension in the Rows pane.
An Edit Rows Axis Item window will pop-up.
Click on the Unselect all members icon. This clears all the ticks next to the States/Territories.
Expand the New South Wales member by clicking on the adjacent + symbol and select The University of Sydney. Click OK.
This will result in the following table.
Step 5 – select column dimensions of interest
Drag and drop the Mode Of Attendance and Type Of Attendance dimensions from the Measures and Dimensions pane to the Columns pane.
Step 6 – filter Mode Of Attendance column dimension
Click on the down arrow

next to the Mode Of Attendance dimension in the Columns pane.
Click on the Unselect all members icon. This clears all the ticks next to the modes of attendance.
Select Internal [mode of attendance]. Click OK.
Step 7 – filter Type Of Attendance column dimension
Follow the same procedure as step 6 and select Full-time as the type of attendance.
This will result in the following table.
Step 8 – select filter dimension
Drag and drop the Special Course dimension from the Measures and Dimensions pane to the Filters pane.
Click on the down arrow

next to the Special Course dimension in the Filters pane. Select the item Students undertaking courses for initial registration as nurses. Click OK.
This will result in the following [final] table.
Please note that the selected measure and selected dimensions are bolded in the Measures and Dimensions pane.
Step 9 – export custom table to Excel
To export your custom table to Excel click on the Excel icon. Save workbook as an Excel file.